Thursday, February 18, 2010


Zi and I went to my Dr.'s appointment today...
My OB said he was "Delicious."
I will say...
I completely agree

Sunday, February 14, 2010

"Lily's Life!"

We wanted to create a part of the blog just to update you on what is going on in the life of Lily. Lily is very excited to introduce her very own "Lily's Life" section.....

Although Lily is absolutely loving being a big sister it has not come without moments of feeling "dethroned." After all, she has been "the Queen of the Castle" for the last five and a half years. 

Last week in fact we, Lily and I, had a very heart wrenching conversation about how she has been feeling since the birth of her brother. Lily has always been able to articulate her feelings well and this conversation was no exception. Let's just say I left the conversation with an overwhelming feeling of "mother's guilt".  Although I have been very intentional about spending time with Lily daily, it usually involves doing something with her while I was nursing such as playing a game, coloring or reading to her.  Lily was very quick to point out, "mom, but  
he is always there. I had to give it to her...she had a point.
     In an effort to give Lily a little more "one on one" mommy time, Jeremy and Zi had some "man time" and Lily and I spent a few hours together last Sunday afternoon.  As we walked and I held her hand I got this overwhelming feeling that this time was just as much for me as it was for Lily.  I had really missed my Lily girl.
 Our afternoon was spent going to The Fountains together window shopping and getting frozen yogurt and then we went to Barnes and Noble and picked out a new book for our nightly reading time.  We got a book recommended by a friend, "The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane" by Kate DiCamillo. We are really enjoying it. Lily loves being read to and has began reading and attempting to read anything and everything she sees.  It is so cool to see how all of the sudden this whole new world of words has opened up to her.  It is also the end of Jeremy and I trying to attempt to spell anything in her presence...such a bummer. 
     Another way we decided to help Lily transition is to get her more involved in Zi's care.  She is really enjoying feeding him his bottle and does very well with it.  She loves helping with his bath and picking out his "outfit for the day."  All these things seem to really help her feel important. 
Lily has always had a love for creating and has been surprising us with her artistic side from the time she put a pen to paper.  In an effort to foster and encourage this we signed her up for her first art class.  She is absolutely loving it and is impressing us with the art she brings home weekly.
     Lily is also doing an amazing job with her drum lessons.  Her instructor Kevin in just incredible with her and she loves going every week. She is well on her way towards accomplishing her aspirations of one day becoming a "Rock Star!" 
     Lily continues to be obsessed with anything "Star Wars."  She hangs mostly with boys at school and is usually playing "Star Wars or Clone Wars" at recess.  
     She is an incredible student and has surpassed all her Kidergarten bench marks thus far.  Homework time is however not the most pleasant time at our house as Lily, like any 5 1/2 year old could find 1000 other things to be doing with her time.

     So that's a little update on the "life O' Lily!"  She is growing so fast and changing at an alarming rate.  She brings such joy to our lives and we are so proud of our "Lily Girl"