Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Whatever works!"

     Round two is already a bit different than the whole first experience with parenting.  I find myself doing many things I swore I'd never do with Lily.  The first being "baby wearing"or what I like to call "The Crack Sack!"  I refer to this amazing apparatice by this name because within thirty seconds or so of putting Z in it he is nodding off into a blissful altered state of consciousness, hence the name "The Crack Sack!"  This is great for him and even better for me the "multitasking mama" that I am.  As you can see in the photo below, (taken by Lily) having two free hands makes the simplest to most complex tasks a total breeze!  On days when I am sure I am not going to leave the house with my "barn painted,"(make up on) as my mom calls it, I just plop him in the "crack sack" and we are in business.  As you can see even the loud blow dryer doesn't even phase him.

     The "Crack Sack"  is also known as the "Geriatric magnet!"  There is not a Grandma in Walmart that doesn't stop me to take a peek.  Even when I try and hide him they just can't seem to help themselves. It's actually quite sweet and I never mind taking a little extra time to share my "little nugget of love,"(one of my goofy little "pet names":))

     Speaking of "pet names" allow me to introduce you to "Our Little Chimichanga!" .....

I love me some "Swaddle blanket!!!!" (AKA Zi's "snuggie") This little cozy gift from God has turned Z's exasperating, five minute power naps into anywhere from one to three hour "Beauty rests!"  And this is no "old school" receiving blanket swaddle....this is high tech, complete with velcro.   I joked with Jeremy that he needed to go back to "Swaddle 101" when I found Z "free" in the middle of the night after daddy had done the last "wrapping!"

     Anyhow, as the title of this blog states.."Whatever works" has become my new motto.  If I get some sleep out of it, a meal with my family, some errands laundry and housework done I am ALL FOR IT!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Everyone needs a place they can breathe...

Our Place is Bodega Bay...

When life in Suburbia begins to weigh on the Nellist family  we head directly for  our sleepy little fishing town on the Northern California Coast.  Jeremy, being raised in Sonoma County had always considered the North Coast one of his favorite places.  On our first date Jeremy introduced me to this amazing place and it quickly became one of mine as well.  I was raised in Southern California and have always loved the So. Cal beaches.  I will have to say the Nor Cal Coast has won my heart.  The rugged coast line, massive waves, smell of sea air and eucalyptus, the sound of the fog horn and the virtually deserted beaches are fuel for a weary soul.  In 2000 Jeremy and I were engaged and married on School House Beach in Bodega Bay.  The love affair continues and I believe has more than likely become part of the makeup in our children's DNA.  

School House Beach (AKA "Our Beach")


Sunset on "our beach", a nightly tradition
Lily at the Tides visiting her friends

Zi in the "Crack Sack"

Lily's Pelican buddies

The Sea Lion Lily swears came just to see her.

Lily having patio time at the hotel

Rockin out!

Ahhh bedtime after a long day of ocean therapy...

Coffee with a view.. our morning ritual

Breakfast at the Tides.  Lily loves to watch for "her friends"

Lily bird watching on the patio

Our afternoon swim.  Lily is quite a fish.

Daddy watching Zi so we can have some "girl time!"

The beautiful pasture next to our room